
Here are some quotes I like:

Here are some quotes by Dr Brian Stratford,His daughter Philippa had Downs Syndrome and sadly died aged nine in a car accident." I try to be the objective scientist , but I do feel enormously privileged to have lived with one of'God's little clowns' for nine years. She has made me see things that were exciting and interesting -things I never had time to notice" In 1986 he had a dream of the future "I want the mother of a Down's child to be able to push her baby in a pram in the High street without other people crossing the road to avoid her. I want her to be able to do it without other people avoiding her eyes.And I want other people to cross the road to look into the pram and say' what a beauty!' "

Here are some quotes from Michelline Mason:

The issue for parents of children who have "special" ( meaning unmet) needs within the educational system (is that) other people who do not love your child, who do not share your value system , could have a greater influence over your child's life than you do yourself"

The main difference between parents and professionals is one of power .Professionals act within a system , backed up by laws , regulations, colleagues, resources, training, status, clerical support, large offices, long words and emotional distance. Parents have only their love for their child and their desire that that child should be given the best possible chance to have a good life. How is partnership possible in such an unequal state of affairs? It is only possible if everyone involved is willing to examine the values and beliefs which lie behind their actions.


The next quote has nothing to do with Disability or Downs Syndrome but is fun

Aunt Irene really inclined to that simplest of views the one expressed so cogently in Genesis which explained everything with appealing clarity. This was the only point of view that explained , for instance, mayonnaise. It was patently absurd to suppose that mayonnaise had come about through random chance, that anyone would have been silly or brilliant enough to predict what would happen if he slowly trickled oil on to egg yolks and then gone ahead and tried it,

An angel must have divulged that recipe and then explained what to do with the left over egg whites. Meringues-that was another exercise of superhuman intelligence.

To Aunt Irene the Ten Commandments seemed almost insignificant compared with the astonishing miracle of what you could do with an egg.

As the angel had left in his fiery chariot he might have added ,"And don't forget omelettes, and cake, and custard and souffles and poaching and frying and boiling and baking. Oh, and they're frightfully good with anchovies. And you can use the shells to clarify soup- and don't forget to dig them in round the roots of your roses " , the angelic tones fading into the ethereal distance

Alice Thomas Ellis ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Children Aren't happy with nothing to ignore,
And that's what parents were created for.

Ogden Nash


Here's one from Mahatma Gandhi which is very relevant for children and adults with disabilities:

Civilization.... is the acceptance and the encouragement of differences


Here is another one about professionals:Unfortunately the training work environment and experience of providers are largely confined to the professional world which defines their power.It must be recognised it is not always in the best interests of service providers to allow disabled people to voice their opinions

.There is a dilemma between the care and control element of service provision .Service providers have control over services and resources but in a more subtle way have control over managing dependency and the interpretation of need.Providers should not assume they know an individuals needs without consulting them.


Power must shift from providers to recipients of care.Power is retained by those who control money and resources.who create or deny the choices for those deemed to be dependent. Disabled people must not be seen as dependent, devalued and undesirable elements in our society


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