Karen Goes to College

Throughout Karen's life, I have usually learnt the most useful pieces of information by word of mouth usually from other parents but also from voluntary organizations and unexpected sources. Also many things have happened by chance. We had probably assumed early on that Karen would eventually move to some sort of community, where she would be safe, occupied and receiving specialist help. However, as time went on, we learned more. When visiting the annual Special Educational Needs exhibition, I learned that Mencap had two residential colleges offering courses for people with similar disabilities. We also realized that village communities were not the solution as we wanted Karen to be included into the community as much as possible and Karen wants to be near shops, swimming pools and activities.

Then by chance after a governor's meeting at the primary school Elizabeth and Andrew attended, I had a very important conversation with a fellow governor. Paula Eaton had taught Karen's sister Elizabeth between the ages of nearly five up to six and half. She had later left the mainstream primary school to work in a school for physically disabled children. She asked about Karen and then told me about NATSPEC, an organization of specialist colleges which sets standards for these colleges, regulates and monitors them and produces a prospectus over 40 colleges. She kindly lent me her precious copy and I phoned up the address and got my own copy.

We phoned up five colleges which looked as if they would be suitable and then visited some of them. We also decided that it would be a good idea for Karen to start the September after her eighteenth birthday rather than stay on at school until she was 19. Her sister had gone to college when she was 18 and Karen had visited her at Oxford several times and got used to the idea of her sister being away for weeks at a time. From the point of view of funding, there were also advantages to applying while Karen was still of school age. Finally, she had been at QEII now since she was 2, 3 years part time and 12 years full time. We all decided that we liked Derwen the best.

We were impressed by the variety and quality of the courses offered and the very good care the staff offered. Karen was impressed by the indoor heated swimming pool, the nice dormitories and the friendly staff. We then waited to hear first that the college had accepted her and then we had a very long wait to confirm that she would be funded by the Further Education Funding Council. It was very different from getting a university grant or a student loan but finally in the summer it was confirmed that she could start in September 1997.

Gordon took her to college by train and settled her in and came back the same day. Andrew was at school so we could not both go. At first Karen was homesick but this only lasted about a week and she quickly made new friends, found that she enjoyed the work but also that she could be a real college student not a schoolgirl and spend her evenings in the concert hall, the big hall with snooker, table tennis, soft drinks bar but above all the jukebox.

Here, in Karen's own words, is her description of college written in Spring 2000 Monday I have Practical Skills with my friend, Katie. I make candles. I make dipped candles and moulded candles. That takes all morning. Then we have lunch

We have Colin Hayes until half past four. We play games to do with speech and language. Then we have break and go back to Colin again.Sometimes we all go out in a car to Chester which is a city. We talk about places. We go back and it is nearly half past four and we then have Fabrics until 5 o clock. We have boring bed making and then tea. In the evening, we go to the concert hall. I play on the juke box with my friend Katie Holden.I go to the bar on my own and get water and a drink for Katie of diet Coke. At half past ten it is bedtime.

On Tuesday I have PSD which is personal amd social development with Colin again. I talk about any problems. Then we have break. Then I have health and safety with Tony and Anders. Then Katie and I do fabrics. At half past two me and Katie go swimming. Then we are back doing fabrics until 5 o clock. And we go to the concert hall again after tea. My best friend has a bath on Tueday night. I play on the jukebox.

On Wednesday Katie has music. I have upholstery with Martin. After break we have life skills with Miss Portlock, Tony Locke, Sue Dick and Eva Holmes. We sometimes got to a pub for lunch or do some cooking. I will be making apple crumble custard and pie. I have speech therapy at 2 o clock. Then I have music with my friend Polly.

Then we have Keep Fit and break and then back to upholstery with Katie. Wednesday evening swimming from 6 til 7 then the Disco. Thursday is upholstery all day and practical skills after lunch, doing projects. I am making a trolley. Friday I used to have life skills but will be having practical skills next term. Katie goes to the physio. I see her at 11:30 and me and Katie make garden containers out of cement. In the afternoon we have fabrics.

For a formal description of the college click here. Karen does quite a lot in practical skills. In this picture she is wearing an apron so she can feed the chickens. She has also helped with rabbits and guinea pigs. She has grown sunflowers and planted seedlings. Another thing she enjoys at the college is the outings which have included Cadburyworld, Chester Zoo and the Blackpool illuminations as well as theatre trips and other visits.

This is one of the pictures of Karens room. She usually shared as she does not like being on her own. She has three terms at the college per year but each one is broken up by a long weekend at half term when she comes home for a long weekend.

. One thing Karen has particularly liked about college is being in the company of 18-25 year olds (and a few 16 and 17 year olds) who share her taste in music and other leisure activities. At school she had been sharing her experience alongside tots of five years old as in special schools there is no break at 11 to go to secondary school. Karen has grown up a lot since going to college. She is more confident and more sensible. On July 27th,2000 Karen came to the end of her time at college..

Karen is really enjoyed her time at college and whenever she is home for the holidays counts the days til it is time to go back! However, she still enjoys being back home with her family even if the novelty soon wears off! After all when she is home she can go to the Science Museum, Natural History Museum or browse around Whiteleys with its shops, cinemas and McDonalds!

Every few weeks Karen came home by train either at half term for the long weekend or at the end of term. This is a photo of Karen and her friend Robbie returning to college on January 11th, 2000 after the Christmas holidays. The photo on Karens website shows her standing in front of the train in September 1999.

Recently, March 1st 2000, I went to Karens college for her annual review and report. She is studying textiles and fabrics as well as concrete making and animal care. Here are some pictures of her threading a leather thong into holes on a leather belt to make a criss cross pattern and thwn holding up to show

And here she is at the sewing machine . One of the courses she has taken is Fabrics and she has learned the basics of using the machine

For a description of Karen's final weeks at college go to: Karen's Graduation Slater Family Website | Karen's Website | Karen 5-18|Karen's achievements|Derwen College