The Slaters visit to the USA- August 2001

Our first stop was Houston where we visited NASA and Karen did a moon walk.

but before that we met Brandi from the 21st Chromozone list, though as she was at work we didnt get to meet her kids.

Then we went to Nashville where we were greeted at the airport by Jackie, Emily and Ed in full texan-hatted splendour.

Later we met some of the other girls when we went on a boat trip at the opryland hotel .


Later we met some of the other girls when we went on a boat trip at the opryland hotel .

then the next day we had a grand get together at Gwenns House


And here are all six kids.Darran, Karen, Emily and Bernadette in the back row and Katie and Amy in the front row.

The story will continue.....

next part of story

Here are the main UK webpages for Downs Syndrome:

The best UK Downs Syndrome Site (which will also link you to sites in Bristol, Greater Manchester, Lincolnshire, Liverpool and south West Thames)
The Downs Syndrome Association
Downs Syndrome Information Network

This is a list of some English Family Home Pages of children and adults with Downs Syndrome.

Craig England's Page | Danielle's Page | Declan's Page
Spencer's page | Victoria's page | Freddie's Page | Chris' Page

Here are some useful addresses , mainly in the UK including some websites.

Useful addresses | Books for Children. | Books for Parents | Quotations

Here is a link to a site which helps to explain why people with disabilities today still face prejudice and physical and social barriers because of the way people have been treated in the past. In the past disabled people have often been treated cruelly and been called ugly names, although there are many positive things to say about the past as well. This site carries a health warning as parts of it might upset parents-to-be or parents of very young disabled children. I wanted to write a history of Downs Syndrome fromAncient times to the present, but since there is very little about Downs Syndrome before the 19th cenmtury it is instead a general history of disability, particularly learning/developmental/mental disability.

The history of Disability.

And here are some international sites

A very good and comprehensive list of sites
A good resource on Downs Syndrome
Downs Syndrome
Another Downs Syndrome site,
Dr. Lens excellent site on Downs Syndrome health issues
The Down Syndrome Webring

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