Slater Family contents

Here you will find pages about Karen, pages about Downs Syndrome and disability and much much more

Here are the sites about Karen Slater who happens to have Downs Syndrome.

Here are some sites about Downs Syndrome

A very good resource on Downs Syndrome
Downs Syndrome
Another Downs Syndrome site,
The UK Downs Syndrome Site
The Downs Syndrome Association Dr Lens excellent site on Downs Syndrome health issues
The Downs Webring, lots of personal sites of children with Downs Syndrome
A witty and apt list of the different reasons why people stare|
A clever parody of the way people are told that they have a child with Down's syndrome

Here are my disability sites

Here are some inclusion sites

Centre for Studies in Inclusion
American inclusion site|
Australian site with positive images of people with Down's Syndrome|
Parents for Inclusion The alliance for inclusive education

Articles amnd Poems by the Slaters about Downs Syndrome Gordon Slater's response to the case of a doctor who was acquitted of murdering a baby with Downs Syndrome in 1981.
a song about annoying professionals| a song about community care| a poem about cosmetic surgery| a fairy tale about assessments| a letter protesting about Peter Singer| an article in praise of Down's Syndrome|

Here are Cathy's sites

World Travels I
My Dad's page

Elephant Page

Early History of London

Later History of London

Here are Nora's and Jey's websites.

The following are some sites you might find amusing.

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Down Syndrome Webring
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The Slater Family.

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Page last updated on May 12th ,2000.
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